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since Feb 2006

Reiki I Attunement

One reason why we offer only Reiki 1st Degree in the first instance is because we believe from experience, that before you heal others, it is important that you first heal yourself. With Reiki I you will learn how to do this correctly and will be able to practice on yourself over the next nine months, before taking Reiki II

The other reason why we believe it best to take Reiki level One first is so that the student can experience the subtle energy and changes that take place in their body for the next few months after receiving the Attunement. As opposed to Reiki level two, these energies and changes are gentle but consistent and it is a pleasure to feel and see the changes taking place. It is therefore our intention not to deprive the student of this experience.

Reiki I consists of four Attunements. Students receive these powerful and sacred Attunements during the whole day.

The syllabus for the Reiki I Attunement workshop is as follows:

  • The history of Usui Reiki
  • How does Reiki Work
  • How to use Reiki
  • The Reiki Principles
  • The aura and subtle bodies
  • In-depth study of the chakras
  • Scanning the body for imbalances
  • Breathing techniques.
  • The Reiki hand positions
  • Using Reiki with other modalities
  • Using the Hui Yin in preparation for healing session
  • Using Reiki Kanjis in preparation for healing session
  • Healing yourself with Reiki
  • Using Reiki on plants and animals
  • Using Reiki on your loved ones
  • Giving a Reiki healing session.
  • Practising the giving and receiving Reiki to each other during the workshop.
  • Meditations during the day to connect to your personal Reiki guide and in preparation for your very powerful Reiki I attunements

Students receive a full working manual written by IIHTVH Principal Anna Mandala and the IIHTVH Reiki I Diploma. It is expected that the student uses the next nine months to work on him/herself to heal and re-balance their body and to prepare it for the powerful Reiki II Attunement. Reiki I students should find other Reiki students or practitioners in their area with whom they can meet on a regular basis to practice and exchange knowledge, questions and answers. Your IIHTVH Reiki Master/Teacher will advise you of regular IIHTVH Reiki shares and meetings.

A period of approximately 21 days of cleansing is usually experienced after this attunement

After receiving the Reiki I attunement, the student is invited to become an IIHTVH Member. Reiki I Students are not insured to give professional healing sessions nor to accept payment. However, during their preparation and practice towards becoming Reiki II practitioners, they may receive love donations for their services.

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