Welcome to the IIHTVH.
The IIHTVH is a school teaching
Crystal Healing, Spiritual Healing, Usui Reiki and, Reiju
On this website, you will find information about becoming a student with the IIHTVH, attending one of our workshops or becoming an IIHTVH member or Teacher
The IIHTVH is an accredited school of the:

On the 30th August 2011, the Federal Regulatory Council of the GRCCT acknowledged, appointed and affirmed the Crystal Therapy Council as the Lead Body and Professional Council for crystal healing/therapy.
The CTC represents member-schools of ACHO and other schools that the training, assessment and management standards set by CTC.
My name is Anna Mandala, I am Principal and Director of the IIHTVH which was established in 1998.
The IIHTVH runs two year diploma courses in Crystal Healing and Spiritual Healing. It teaches Usui Reiki all levels and has its own Teacher Training Programme for Reiki Master/Teachers. The IIHTVH also teaches Correspondence Certificate Courses in Crystal Healing, Spiritual Healing, Colour Healing, Flower Essences and Dowsing for those not able to attend workshops. The Institute is based in the UK, however, IIHTVH teachers can live and teach anywhere in the world. All modalities taught by the IIHTVH are strongly linked to energy, vibrational and spiritual work thus giving the student a working knowledge of not only the physical aspect of healing but the more subtle energy work, that works hand in hand with any healing modality. This gives the qualified therapist a fundamental working knowledge of their patient as a whole being
Coursess offered are
2-year Diploma in Crystal Healing,
2-year Diploma in Spiritual Healing,
Correspondence Certificate Course in Crystal Healing
Correspondence Certificate Course in Spiritual Healing
Correspondence Certificate Course in Colour Healing
Correspondence Certificate Course in Colour Healing
Correspondence Certificate Course in Flower Remedies
Correspondence Certificate Course in Dowsing for Health
Attunement Courses in Usui Reiki, Levels I, II, III Master and IV Teacher
Teacher Training Programme for IIHTVH Reiki Master/Teachers or IIHTVH Members with an equivalent Reiki Master/Teacher Certification
Atunement course in Reiju Empowerment (for Reiki Master/Teachers only),
The IIHTVH offers very intensive training courses in Usui Reiki, levels I, II, III and IV , Reiju Empowerment Workshops for Master/Teachers plus their very own Teacher Training Programme, a 2 day Seminar which new IIHTVH Reiki Master/Teachers can attend. Here they learn the art of how to teach the intensive IIHTVH Reiki Programme to their class of students and how to gain confidence and structure in their own teaching technique. This course is also offered to any qualified Reiki Master/Teacher who may not have studied with the IIHTVH, but who would like to become one of its teachers.
At the IIHTVH our aim is to help students achieve the highest standards in their chosen field and reach their goal in becoming recognised and highly qualified practitioners.
We believe that the only way forward is practising our complementary therapies together with the medical profession. Therefore we need to have standards and awards that are recognised by professional bodies and the government.
We hope you enjoy your visit and look forward to hearing from you and helping you with any query or question you may have about becoming a student with the IIHTVH
Love and many crystal blessings
Founder, Director and Principal of the IIHTVH
IIHTVH Profile
The IIHTVH is a metaphysical college for holistic therapies based in theUK with branches in the Channel Islands and Cyprus. Apart from the correspondence courses, our courses are structured as in-house classes - lectures and practicals - with written assignments, case histories and reports in between class as home study. The practical work is supervised in workshops where each student works on the other. For the 2-year Diplomas, Students are ultimately examined at the end of the 2-year course as to their proficiency
The aim of the Institute is:
- to teach courses on Complementary Healing Therapies
- to teach therapists to accept other therapies and to expand their own knowledge and the workings of other therapies
- for its students to become fully trained in the whole range of being a practitioner and what it involves.
- to see its ultimate goal to practice and teach the unification of all Vibrational Therapies
- to bring students into line with the national standard, enabling them to be accepted by both doctors and hospitals. Many students of the IIHTVH are nurses, midwives and other complementary therapists, some of whom are already working with doctors and in hospitals.
The above relies very strongly on the varied career as a healer, counsellor and teacher of Anna Mandala, the principal. The courses incorporate how to develop up to the standard, to be able to work alone with and be responsible for a patient, with particular regard to the practitioner's care and behaviour of their patients
Become an IIHTVH member
Please click here for our Prospectus
Thank you so much for visiting our site, we hope you enjoyed it
and look forward to hearing from you
love and many, crystal blessings
Anna Mandala